
The Truth About Soulmates: Insights from Dr. Brian L. Weiss’s “Only Love Is Real”


In Japan, there has long been a legend of the “red thread of fate.” 

 It is said that men and women who are destined to be together are connected by an invisible red thread. 

Of course, most people probably think that the red thread is just a superstition, but from a spiritual truth perspective, it is not entirely wrong. 

A book that makes one think about the red thread of fate is Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited. 

It is written by Dr. Brian L. Weiss, a psychiatrist and well-known past-life therapist. The book became a bestseller, so many of you may have already read it. 

Today, I would like to briefly introduce this book. 

The author, Dr. Brian L. Weiss, is a psychiatrist practicing in Florida, USA. He incorporated regression hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, but initially, he did not imagine anything about past lives. 

Dr. Weiss, in an attempt to treat a patient, used regression hypnosis to return to the past where the symptoms originated. To his surprise, the patient suddenly began recounting memories of a past life. 

He was astonished as he had expected the patient to recall memories from their childhood in this life. 

At first, Dr. Weiss couldn’t believe it, but he noticed that the patient’s symptoms began to disappear after recalling memories of a past life. 

Here is another example. 

A woman had been suffering from back pain for a long time.  

She visited various hospitals, but there was no sign of improvement.  

Desperate for help, she visited Dr. Weiss and underwent regression hypnosis, where she discovered that in a past life, she was a soldier who died from a stab wound to the back. 

It turned out that the memory of that event was linked to her back pain in this life.  

Once she recognized this fact from her past life, the back pain that no renowned doctor could cure completely disappeared. 

Through such experiences, Dr. Weiss came to accept that the unexplained symptoms patients report in this life are connected to experiences from their past lives. 

While performing hypnotherapy on a female patient, Dr. Weiss was shocked when she conveyed a message about his son.  

This message included details about his deceased son’s extremely rare cause of death, which only Dr. Weiss and a few close family members knew. 

The journey of Dr. Weiss towards past-life therapy is detailed in his book, Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past-Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives. 

Dr. Weiss has broadened the understanding of past life therapy through his writing and lectures. 

In Only Love Is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited, the miraculous true story of a man and a woman who visited Dr. Weiss is recounted. 

One day, a woman named Elizabeth, who was struggling with deep grief after losing her mother, visited Dr. Weiss for treatment.  

When Elizabeth underwent regression hypnosis, several past lives were recalled. 

In one past life, she lived on the plains of Mongolia as an orphan, and a kind person took her in as their own child.  

The person who adopted her and became her foster mother in that life was her mother in this life, who had passed away. 

During her time in Mongolia, she grew up and, through her foster mother’s arrangements, married her foster mother’s biological son.  

However, one day, their village was attacked by enemies, and she was taken away, separated from her beloved family. 

These experiences of sorrowful separation likely contributed to the deep grief she felt in this life after her mother’s death. 

Further tracing her past, memories of a previous life in what is now Israel were also recalled.  

In that past life, when she was still a child, she experienced the tragic event of her beloved father being stoned to death.  

She carried deep sorrow from that time as well. 

While Elizabeth was visiting Dr. Weiss, a man named Pedro was also undergoing past life therapy with him.  

Dr. Weiss was astonished when he heard the memories Pedro recalled during his regression hypnosis.  

These memories overlapped with Elizabeth’s past life memories, even though Pedro and Elizabeth had never met. 

It was revealed that Pedro also lived in Mongolia during the same period as Elizabeth, where he was the biological son of her foster mother and was married to Elizabeth. Additionally, he was her father who had been stoned to death in Israel.. 

These two individuals, deeply connected in their past lives, were coincidentally receiving treatment from Dr. Weiss at the same time. 

 However, Dr. Weiss faced a dilemma. 
As a doctor, he was bound by confidentiality and could not reveal this information to either of them. 

Pedro was scheduled to return to Mexico, so Dr. Weiss tried to adjust their appointment times to subtly bring them together, but his plan failed, and they missed each other.  

Both completed their treatments and were scheduled to return to their respective countries. 

 However, the miracle happened: Dr. Weiss received a report that they had met by chance at the airport and were united. 

If you haven’t read this book yet, I highly recommend it. 

Translated by Kyoko.u